• 數據解釋
Last Price 成交價 Last Trade 最後交易日
Tick 比前一筆成交價之漲跌 Volume 交易量
Change 漲跌 % Change 漲跌幅
Open 開盤價 Prev Close 前日收盤價
Day High 當天最高價 Day Low 當天最低價
Bid 買入價 Bid Size 委買量、買單大小
Ask 賣出價 Ask Size 賣量、賣單大小
52Wk High 52周最高價 52Wk Low 52周最低價
E.P.S. 每股收益、每股盈餘 P/E Ratio 本益比、市盈率
Ex-Div Date 除息日 Dividend 股利
Yield 殖利率、收益率 Shares 流通股數
Market Cap 市值 Exchange 交易所
NYE (New York Stock Exchange) 紐約證券交易所
AMX (American Stock Exchange) 美國證券交易所
NGS  (Nasdaq Global Select) 納斯達克全球精選市場
NGM (NASDAQ Global Market) 納斯達克全球市場
NSC  (Nasdaq Small Caps) 納斯達克資本市場
OTO  (Other-OTC) 場外交易市場

類型組別:整體新興市場股票型被動型/基準指數:Dorsey Wright Emerging Markets Technical Leaders Index


趨勢分析 強度分析 策略分析 波段操作績效 當沖關卡
短線(週) 短線偏空 短線(週) 策略訊號 這次做多 1.88% 當沖壓力 看更多
中線(季) 中線偏多 中線(季) 進出策略 賣出(券空) 這次做空 0.40% 當沖支撐 看更多
長線(半年) 長線偏空 長線(半年) ★★ 停損停利價 看更多 200天績效 13.31%

The PowerShares DWA Emerging Markets Momentum Portfolio (Fund) is based on the Dorsey Wright® Emerging Markets Technical Leaders Index (DWA Emerging Markets Technical Leaders Index). The Fund will normally invest at least 90% of its total assets in securities of emerging economies within Dorsey Wright & Associates classification definition, as well as American depositary receipts (ADRs) and global depositary receipts (GDRs) based on securities in the Index. The Index includes approximately 100 companies from the NASDAQ Emerging Markets Index that possess powerful relative strength characteristics and are domiciled in emerging market countries including, but not limited to Brazil, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand and Turkey. The Index excludes US companies listed on a US stock exchange. The Index is computed using the net return, which withholds applicable taxes for non-resident investors. The Fund and the Index are rebalanced and reconstituted quarterly.

排名 股票名稱 持有比例%
1 Bank Central Asia Tbk PT 3.21%
2 Tencent Holdings Ltd 2.94%
3 CP ALL PCL 2.77%
4 AAC Technologies Holdings Inc 2.74%
5 Ultrapar Participacoes SA 2.46%